Integra has been providing lounge seating solutions in a variety of educational settings for over 40 years. Our large offering of lounge seating and tables are able to meet the flexible requirements of today's learning environments.
Diversity of product and features, mobility for flexible, multi-purpose uses, and comfortable seating for individual focus or for socializing and collaboration are highly important attributes among students and staff. Durability, cost-effectiveness, sustainability and cleanability are highly important to the facilities and administrative personnel.
Integra's lounge furniture offers a remarkable combination of design, comfort, strength and function along with sustainability and providing the best value for the long-term investment. All of which has never mattered more.
On campuses, lounge seating is utilized by people of varying body types and in multiple ways and often are in use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Facility managers can protect their investment by selecting lounge furniture with three important features.
At Integra, every seating line is designed to have replaceable parts; i.e. legs, feet, arms, arm caps, seats and backs. This significantly reduces the facility’s expenses related to any product damage or fabric failures. Many lounge products on the market do not have this extremely important attribute.
Buying a high-quality and proven seating solution with component-based construction is both a financial and environmental benefit. It’s much more cost effective, thus decreasing the Total Cost of Ownership, and much more sustainable to repair or replace just one component than buying the entire chair again if something is damaged or worn out.
Not all furniture is created equal. All Integra chairs have a minimum 1200 lb static capacity and a 800 lb dynamic capacity. It’s the daily use these chairs endure over time that separates the products with superior strength. Integra products will be structurally sound and comfortable for at least 20 years. Integra offers a Lifetime Warranty to stand behind this claim.
Product cleanability has always been important, but now it’s especially important in the midst of a global pandemic. Integra not only has clean-outs in many of their designs, but also all-sides clean-outs to ensure the best access around the seats to clean and sanitize for the safety of the users. Integra also offers metal arm frame options in various series, and solid surface options for arm caps, tablets and table tops for the best in cleanability and sanitizing.
Alfred State (SUNY) MacKenzie Hall
Rendezous Lounge & Tables
Otterbein University
Kallise Lounge Collection
Howard Community College
Coffee House Seating and Valayo Tables
University of Nebraska
Rendezvous Squared Lounge Seating
Mercer University Legacy Hall Living
and Learning Residence Hall
Elite Lounge Seating
Duncanville High School
Coffee House Collection
Colorado Mesa University - Dining
Coffee House Seating
Lincoln Land Community College - Guest Waiting
Tide Metal and Kallise Tables
Mercer University Legacy Hall
Coffee House Seating and Ottomans
Colorado Mesa University - E-Sports Facility
Rendezvous Squared & Brighton Seating
University of South Alabama - Student Union
Coffee House Collection
University of Washington - Denny Hall
Coffee House Seating
Western New England University - Dining Commons
Coffee House Collection
Arizona State University - Best Hall Study Lounge
Reef Seating
COE College - Stewart Mem. Library Presentation Wall
Coffee House Seating
Tablets and power are essential options in learning environments. Students and staff enjoy the comfort of a lounge chair with the ability to work effectively at the same time. Integra's tablet arms have been engineered to hold up to 300 lbs of weight! Tablets can be added to most seating and have a smooth swivel mechanism that allows for optimal positioning. A functional cup holder option is also available on the rectangular tablets. Integra offers all these great options on nearly all their lounge designs.
Kixsy Pull-up tables are high performance laptop tables that can be used with any standard height seating. They're designed for superior strength with an incredible 300 lbs capacity and durability with the powder coated steel base and support. The metal base has a smart cut-out for optimal positioning to the side around a leg and has a slight curve for best comfort when used directly in front of the seating. Tops come in three materials: solid surface, laminate over a plywood core and edge or veneer over a plywood core and edge.
Mobility is essential for today's educational institutions. Integra offers caster options on most lounge seating designs. In addition, a unique mobile option is our Hide & Go Mobility; this concealed mobile option allows for the chairs to be moved more easily yet preserves the original wood leg design for better aesthetics.
Several of our seating designs offer the Clean-out Seat standard. In addition, several offer the Island Seat (All-sides Clean-out) option, which is the next-level of cleanability in which ALL sides of the seat can be easily cleaned and sanitized.
Solid surface arm caps, tablets, and table tops allow for next-level cleanability are available on many lounge series.
Marina Metal seating offers a unique 1-piece seat and back creating the Cove Wipe-out. The Stand-off option creates space between the seat unit and the arms, making this comfortable lounge chair easy to clean and sanitize.
High Back Coffee House Seating with the Divider Panel Stand-off option creates space between the divider panel and the seat unit, making this unit easy to clean and sanitize.
Our offering of lounge seating and tables is diverse and able to meet the flexible requirements of today’s learning environments. From mobile lounge seating, to more private/individual units, to serpentine lounge pieces with built-in or freestanding dividers, we have a solution that can meet your needs and secure your investment.
Our products are made in the USA by a family-owned and operated company. We’re a certified women-owned business (WBE) and women-owned small business (WOSB).
Integra achieves LEVEL®,
BIFMA’s sustainability certification
program for furniture.
Integra passes LEVEL Credit 7.4.4
on majority of products with few exceptions
Integra earns Clear Air Gold Certificate
on majority of products with few exceptions